All Souls wrapped up PRIDE celebrations with a special PRIDE Sunday service—lifting up LGBTQ+ voices of our community. We are so grateful to have the soon-to-be Rev., Randy Lewis speak his truth from the pulpit.
Randy and his husband D’mitri joined the All Souls ministry and AV teams after coming with Carlton Pearson and New Dimensions. They reside in Raleigh, North Carolina and are cherished All Souls Everywhere members.
Accompanying Randy’s message of coming out and community was Emmanuel Wayne, “Manny.” Manny grew up at All Souls. Manny, his father and brother, shared a beautiful version of True Colors. Manny opened his heart even more, sharing how All Souls gave him the safe space to be his authentic self, and sang his original song, Found. Take a listen. We can’t help but feel the presence of our church community in his lyrics.
Jim Hunter and Leonardo De Andade opened with a heart-felt chalice lighting, and closing, honoring the humanity of our LGBTQ+ siblings.
PRIDE Sunday came on the heels of one fabulous parade on Saturday.
You can’t have a rainbow without some rain and All Souls folks showed up in the midst of a downpour. Huge thanks to all of our volunteers, YAVE singers, and marchers. The crowd literally LOVED you for what you created for them.

This year, our Youth Photog team, Demetra Sanders & Sydney Smith, captured these PRIDE moments. As Shelley Mackin said, “Tulsa PRIDE is one of the most affirming experiences you can have. It doesn’t matter who you are, you are celebrated at PRIDE.”
Special thanks to Shelley Mackin, Nancy Coryell, Joe Nurre, and Ashley Hunter for serving as our float leaders. And, to all who showed up to help build the float and break it down again. We appreciate the hard work!
Happy Pride!
<3 Bonita
All Souls in Tulsa recognizes and honors the dignity and worth of every person. Our UU faith allows us to create safe spaces of diversity, acceptance and inclusion. Our LGBTQ+ community gathers together for events throughout the year, including supporting Oklahomans for Equality’s annual Thanksgiving Dinner, National Transgender Day of Remembrance service, and organizing All Souls presence at Tulsa Pride. To get involved and for more info, email Ready for more stories from our ministers, members, and friends.
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