“Women know how to make community. We’re big celebrators and we recognize the joy of being alive every day.” – Lorrie McLaughlin
Earlier in March, the official launch of the Women of All Souls group kicked off with great conversations, a potluck of awesome food, and lots of ideas. About 115 women showed up! I was overwhelmed with how many women came out to support the group. There were so many good ideas and suggestions that were submitted. Our next event to bring women together will be a Game Night Potluck on Thursday, April 25, 6 p.m. All women are welcome to bring their favorite appetizer, drink, and game. If games aren’t your thing, we invite you to come hang out!
At the launch party, we asked women why this group was important to them and why it was important to have other women in their lives. Here’s what they had to say:

Imogene White, Women of All Souls Chair
I see all of the ages of women here and it’s wonderful. We wanted everyone to come together and share what they think the Women of All Souls group should be doing and all of our ideas our welcome here.
As a woman, a single person, a mother, as a wife, there are so many situations in life that people at my age have already gone through. We can offer another perspective and help younger women and understand that what they are experiencing has been done before.

Lorrie McLaughlin
Where else are you going to learn what your future can look like and appreciate your past than through another woman’s eyes? I am friends with women who are 30 years older and 30 years younger than me. I believe in the full spectrum and learn from all ages. I hope I can teach other women along the way.
Women know how to make community. We’re big celebrators and we recognize the joy of being alive every day. – Lorrie McLaughlin
Cindy Henderson
There’s nothing like getting women together. It’s amazing. And, we need each other. I was so excited about this event. I throw myself into my work, but this is what’s missing. I need this community.

Jessica Blake
It’s hard enough in the world and we all need support. In my life, I’ve never “needed” anyone else. But, as a parent, I need other women in my life. I need their support.
I love the intergenerational community at church. I have relationships and am friends with people who are my grandparent’s age. That’s rare in life. I’m also friends with women I would not have met except for at church.
Francia Allen
I’m single and don’t have kids. Sometimes, I feel like I’m on an island and I need to socialize. That’s why I come to this church, to connect with others. When we do that, connect, we start to realize we can all relate to something. No matter how different we are.
Women older than me have seen things my eyes have not and I welcome that.
Women are a super power. We connect and build each other up. – Francia Allen

Megan DiGregorio
The women in my life are always who I can trust to know me best and tell me the truth. They help me make decisions about whatever challenges I’m facing. My sister and my best friend keep me honest and remind me who I am and what I value most.
My relationships with women are really important to me. I love that this group is coming together because it’s so great to connect with other women.
We are each other’s best teachers. – Stacey Craig
Stacey Craig
The Cairn, or stack of stones, is a marker left behind. They let you know that someone’s been here before. That’s what we do for each other as women, and, if we’re lucky, we have women in our lives to teach us. Women connect to empower themselves and each other. It’s exciting to see women who are doing well and promoting other women to succeed.
Women of All Souls Game Night Potluck
Thursday, April 25 | 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Join the Women of All Souls for an inter-generational game night and potluck supper. Bring your favorite appetizer or beverage and a game to share or choose from our multitudes. Not into games? Just come to hang out and talk.

Quanah Scoggins serves as the chair for the Women of All Souls group. She is passionate about women connecting and learning from each other.
At All Souls, we are devoting a year-long series in 2019: The F Word: Perspectives on Feminism in the Year of the Woman. The intention is to talk about issues women and girls face, to hear women’s voices and ideas, to get to know each other through individual and collective experiences and storytelling, to hear from men and their roles in supporting women, and to create a space for women to support each other. The series is intended to be inclusive, honest, and intersectional.
Read more from Yadenee Hailu, Sallie Godwin, and Bonita James.
Tell us your story. Even if you’re not a writer, you have a story to tell.
Submit the idea for your blog by emailing bjames@allsoulschurch.org. A short description or outline is fine. Our editorial team will work with you on the timeline and details. If you’re interested in being interviewed instead of writing, that can be arranged too. <3
*NOTE, all ideas for submissions will be considered for publishing. Selected ideas will be added to an editorial calendar and the submitter will work with the editorial team to assist with guidelines, proofing, and graphics/photography.
[…] more from Yadenee Hailu, Sallie Godwin, Quanah Scoggins, and Bonita […]
[…] more from Yadenee Hailu, Sallie Godwin, Quanah Scoggins, and Mia […]
[…] more from Yadenee Hailu, Sallie Godwin, Quanah Scoggins, and Mia […]
[…] more from Yadenee Hailu, Sallie Godwin, Quanah Scoggins, and Mia Wright, and Dionne […]
[…] Quanah Scoggins serves as the chair for the Women of All Souls group. She is passionate about women connecting and learning from each other. Read what women had to say about this growing community in Quanah’s blog, Women are a Super Power. […]
[…] more from Yadenee Hailu, Sallie Godwin, Quanah Scoggins, and Mia […]