Covid Task Force
Practice & Voice

COVID Task Force

The COVID Task Force was appointed by the Board of Trustees to help guide the church through the pandemic. The COVID Task Force (CTF) members are Jenny Bent, Chris Blake, Lynne Burson, Greg Bledsoe, Eileen Kenney, Shannon Boston, David Smith, Cindy Ranae, Libby Sublett—providing All Souls with a variety of professional experience and knowledge. For updates about COVID, the Task Force, and our church, visit

“I feel a responsibility to use my education and experience to help keep our community safe during these unusual times.”

Dr. Chris Blake, CTF member

Current Situation in Oklahoma (as of August 4, 2021): 

  • We are in a Delta variant surge in Oklahoma 
  • Viral loads with Delta variant are 1000 times higher than with the original COVID-19 virus 
  • Transmission can occur in less than 5 minutes 
  • Each person with Delta variant spreads it to 3-4 other people based on United Kingdom data 
  • Hospitalization rates with Delta variant are significantly higher than the original virus 
  • Immunization with a two dose mRNA(Pfizer of Moderna) regimen reduces risk of severe disease or death from original virus or the Delta variant by 90% 
  • Immunization with a two dose mRNA(Pfizer or Moderna) regimen only reduces risks of milder disease with Delta variant by 40%, and immunized people can still transmit the disease to others 


  • The risk of a serious complication from COVID-19 vaccination is about 1/100,000-1,000,000 
  • Vaccination with a two shot mRNA vaccine regimen reduces the risks for serious disease and death by 90% 
  • The single shot J&J shot is less effective against the Delta variant 
  • Vaccine Locator Information: &

When to stay Home and Get Tested: 

The Oklahoma State Department of Health and Oklahoma State Department of Education have created this handy reference for when to stay home and get tested for COVID-19.

COVID-19 Testing: 

  • Testing sites and hours change often. 
  • Testing is offered at all the major hospitals in town, many Walgreen’s, CVS, Walmart, Urgent Care Centers. 
  • Most require appointments and we recommend you check online or call first. 
  • Home testing options are expanding rapidly and we urge you to ensure you would be using an FDA approved kit before purchasing.  
  • Test kits available at some Walgreens, CVS and Walmart stores as well as for order online. 

For the latest information regarding worship services and our church, visit