My first time at Tulsa’s new Planned Parenthood Clinic, I immediately felt the energy of a woman-centered space. It reminded me of the sacred energy I used to feel in the birthing center where I studied the art of midwifery. It also reminded me of the sacred energy I feel at Clarehouse, an exquisitely peaceful and contemplative home for the dying, here in Tulsa. I felt the power and presence of the life and death continuum we are all traveling together. And I felt joy, that women and men could find a place in Tulsa where they would be treated well, no matter what.
Simple. Human. Rights.
It is really so simple. Health care is a human right. Reproductive care, including abortions, is health care. All women and men need access to safe reproductive services and care.
No one can know another human being’s life circumstances well enough to intervene in the most important decision of their life. Choosing to bring a baby into the world is the greatest act of generosity any woman can make. She is choosing to share her body, a choice only she should have the right to make.
Consider this. No one is forced to perform any other life giving act of generosity (i.e. giving a kidney, sharing a liver etc.) Thus, we cannot and should not force women to bear children.
The members of All Souls Reproductive Justice Team are working to contact legislators and engage in maintaining Reproductive Care in Oklahoma among other actions. Get involved with All Souls Reproductive Justice Team. Email
You can support All Souls Reproductive Justice work and wear your support of Women’s Health Rights! Donations of $25 receive the short sleeve and donations of $40 receive the crop top! Support women’s access to reproductive health care – which is basic health care and human right. – which is a human right. Place your order by emailing
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Rev. Barbara Prose is the Executive Minister of All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, OK. Read more of how she came to Tulsa and partnered with Dr. Willie Parker over the fight for Women’s Reproductive Rights in NPR Builds a Social Justice Relationship.
I want to have a legitimate discussion. Where is this grounded Biblically?
Please email reproductive justice listed in the blog. Thanks!