We launched our 2023 Pledge Campaign with Rev. Marlin’s Sermon, Courageous Love. We depend on the support of our members to continue our mission of Love Beyond Belief. Please visit allsoulschurch.org/give and make your pledge today!
We have a church that appeals to people who are not traditionally religious. Some of them may believe in God and have a deep spirituality and some of them may not believe in God and may not have much interest in spirituality. And some of them are in a place of transition spiritually and a place of exploration and looking for a community that makes room for their questions and their doubts and that offers them the resources to continue their exploration and their journey wherever it may lead.
A Church for People with Inclusive Hearts
We are a church for people with inclusive hearts. People who respect and affirm and celebrate those who are like them and who are different from them. We are a church that appeals to people who want to be around a diverse cohort and who may feel uncomfortable being in organizations that are cultural silos.
These are folks who love and affirm their cultures and identities, and love to have occasions to be together with people who are just like them. But these are gay folks who don’t want to just be in an all gay church. White folks who don’t want to be in an all white church. Black folks who don’t want to be in an all black church. Young people who don’t want to be just around people their own age.
We are a church that appeals to people who want to be around a diverse cohort and who may feel uncomfortable being in organizations that are cultural silos.
Our community is a community of people who are not satisfied with the status quo in our country and our world. People who would like to see more justice and want voices of people who have been marginalized brought to the center and want authoritarian norms, in both religion and politics, to be questioned and held to account.
Making Community Together
This is a true Tulsa gathering place. Unlike the park, All Souls is a place where you don’t just play in proximity to people who are different from yourself…but a place where we make community together. Where we know we can come and find people who will drive us to an appointment when needed, visit us in the hospital, help us celebrate our weddings and babies and bury our dead. People who will be with us through a pandemic when it comes…a tornado when it comes…a civil war if it comes. Who will fight with us for women’s rights, trans’ rights and an end to white superiority.
It has been called, “A Gathering Place for Courageous Love.”
Please help us make this year’s pledge campaign—A Gathering Place for Courageous Love—a success by November 20, 2022. All Souls is asking for 100% participation of our members and teams to show their support. All amounts are meaningful.
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