Women of All Souls met last Sunday night to discuss the F Word blog series, TED Talk, Identity, the story of me by Kelli McCloud-Shingen, and two books; Wild Mercy: Living the Fierce and Tender Wisdom of the Women Mystics.
About 25 women—of all ages, different ethnicities, colors, stages, and lives—came together for a potluck and conversation. Soon, connected side-by-side, in a circle of trust and respect, the feminine energy could be felt in the room. As the mic was passed from woman to woman, stories of how we are connected, how we are supported, and how we are impacted from this community at All Souls were shared.
Rev. Barbara Prose closed the evening with a poem she wrote in honor of this beautiful community of women. The Women of All Souls is open to ALL women. Following Rev. Prose’s words are upcoming opportunities to connect with the group this Fall.
She Who Is
by Rev. Barbara Prose
She Who Is arrives
beneath the stars in
the in – between spaces
Where something new
Will be born.
Through the night
Showing mercy without
Judgment, She labors
with us imagining a new way
Of being true, strong
And free.
Know her strength
And yours, comes
From the soft underbelly
Of the earth
Where Her roots hold
The foundations of all
Our villages and voices
In an intricate weaving
Of dreams, muscles and memories
And shells she has collected
And saved for us so we will
remember the salty sea
That rocked our ancestors and
their ancestors before
Them, connecting islands
To the farthest shores
With waves of tears
She grieves with us
Our dead
She stands with us
The living
She feeds us with Her body
Lifting up our longing
She dances among us
Daring us to imagine
In the light of day
And in the quiet of night
What something
New is waiting
To be born
Through Her
In us.
Upcoming Women of All Souls Events
Women in Leadership and Business: A Networking Event & Potluck
Monday, September 23 | 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Women of All Souls will take on topics such as; how to get started, competition, marketing, networking tips, getting organized, customer service, and feminine empowerment! Featuring Francia Allen, Jessica Coryell Blake, Stacey Craig, Myra Golden, and Carmen White-Janak. Potluck theme: Sweet and Savory September.
Women’s Health from Birth to Death Panel Discussion
Tuesday, October 22 | 6:00 to 8:30 p.m.
Potluck theme: favorite funeral dish or healthy recipe
Crafty Women: Get Creative with Friends Potluck
Saturday, November 16 | 9:30 to noon | Presidents’ Room
Take the morning to work on your own personal projects or get creative with supplies! Artistic support provided.
Potluck theme: Favorite brunch dish or beverage.
It’s a (Gift) Wrap! Potluck
Saturday, December 14 | 9:30 to noon
Bring all of your holiday gifts to wrap and chat with your friends. Scissors, tape and table space provided. Potluck theme: Holiday treats

Quanah Scoggins serves as the chair for the Women of All Souls group. She is passionate about women connecting and learning from each other. Read what women had to say about this growing community in Quanah’s blog, Women are a Super Power.