Spirituality & Theology, BeyondBelief, UU Church Today

You Are Loved

I want you to know that you are loved beyond your wildest imaginings by the spirit of creation. Every bit of you is holy—even the embarrassing parts, even the thoughts you wouldn’t tell your best friend. God is in your every cell, calling you to live a loving, joyful, boisterous life. To go easier on yourself. To accept that you are a blessing. To spread the word that there is no original sin, that we are all glorious gifts to a world that desperately needs us.

I want you to know that you are a strand in the web of all existence, one dew-drop-spangled thread reflecting the early morning sun. Connected to every other living creature. Frogs, mushrooms, great blue whales, and you. You are never alone. You were born into a huge family of life. Sit in the grass and know that it is your sibling, watch the crows circle and think of them as gossiping cousins. This is your world and you are worthy.

An excerpt from Stubborn Grace: Faith, Mental Illness, and Demanding a Blessing

The Rev. Kate Landis is interim minister at UU Church of Akron, Ohio, having formerly served Shoreline UU Church in Shoreline, Washington.

For more information contact worshipweb@uua.org.

This reading was originally published here.

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