UU Church Today, BeyondBelief

Be. Here. Now.

Sunday, September 10 is Homecoming Sunday, and we’re ready to welcome you back with a fun day of fellowship, free hotdogs (while they last) and a message on this month’s theme of Faith from Rev. Marlin Lavanhar. In advance of Homecoming Sunday in 2019, Rev. Lavanhar wrote:

It seems as if humanity is at a spiritual crossroads in which one fork leads to more fear and division and the other leads to more love and greater cooperation. In an effort to grow love and cooperation All Souls has discovered that in a pluralistic society different spiritual languages and styles of services are helpful to various people to open doors to an experience of wholeness and love beyond belief.

Each of our services provide a different spiritual language and style and yet, in their own ways, each lifts up enduring wisdom and offers love beyond belief. In whichever style or language, a primary aim of All Souls is to freely cultivate compassion, courage and connection in individuals and the human family.

If you’ve been gone over the summer, “Welcome Home!” If you’ve never been here before, we want to welcome you home too. And, to our beloved Virtual Members, Welcome Home to your favorite live stream service. We hope you join us.

We also welcome you to invite someone to experience All Souls this Sunday. Invite and share with your friends on Facebook or bring them along! There is truly something for everyone at All Souls.

Much has changed in the four years since that post was written. But what was true then remains true today. People of differing beliefs—and those with no beliefs—are joyful to call All Souls their spiritual home.

This year, we’re welcoming you back with food and fun from 11:30 to 1:30. Our Traditional service will take place at 10 am, and our Humanist service will be held in the Sanctuary at 11:30. We can’t wait to see you!

Learn more about All Souls at our website, allsoulschurch.org.

Photo by olena ivanova on Unsplash