At the lake where my father and I fished and I had learned my appreciation for nature, I walked along the shoreline with the weight of a decision I needed to make. I sought the presence of God but I felt His presence was just outside my embrace. So, I walked in the footsteps of my Earthly father and remembered His assurance.
Seeking God
I had to make a decision whether to remain in Tulsa, where I was comfortable. Or, move to a larger city in a different time zone, where I didn’t know anyone aside from the person asking me to join him in ministry. It was an opportunity and it was a challenge.
Where is God when you need a decision that appears more daunting than your capabilities?
God as a Resource
When one feels overwhelmed, we call out for help. God is a resource, especially in scary times that seem outside of us.
But, if our understanding of God is this “transcendent mystery and wonder” that resides “somewhere out there,” then I believe we are looking for God in the wrong places. My understanding of the Great I Am means His presence is within us. This Little Light Of Mine radiates from inside us.
We are reassured of God’s love because God is within us. Seeking God means to find your centering balance that assures you.
God is Wherever We Are
There are many spiritual practices that can acquaint you with this place within. Our Unitarian Universalist faith tradition does not limit our access to God’s love. This liberating fact means our on-ramp to God can be wherever we are.
Finally, as I slowed to a halt in my search for God along the lakeside, I felt God’s embrace. God’s message to me was wherever you go, I am there. There is no wrong answer. God’s love is not limited.
I trust you will agree love is boundless and always accessible. Keep your heart and mind open to receive the blessings that are meant for you!

Rev. Gerald Davis serves as the minister of Church of the Restoration Unitarian Universalist and as an Affiliate Minister at All Souls Unitarian Church, both in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Join us at All Souls on every Sunday in December, 2019 to explore the theme of Seeking God/Source. We’d love to have you with us in-person or online, together in community and covenant. Live stream services are at 10:00 a.m. CST for our Traditional service or the 11:30 a.m. CST Contemporary service.
Listen to all our services, including The Point, Humanist Hour (Sundays at 11:30 a.m.) on our weekly podcast, too. Wednesday Connections dstarts at 5:30 p.m. with dinner and a full night of programming for everyone. Check out our full class list here.
Every second Sunday, you can join Rev. Gerald Davis at 1:30 p.m. for All Souls Reads. Rev. Davis leads the discussion about literature that explores the human condition when overcoming oppressive circumstances. December’s Book is Heavy by Kiese Laymon. All Souls Reads will also meet Wednesday, December 18 at 7 p.m.
Read more from Rev. Davis on our blog,
The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) created this short video explaining more about the UU Faith Tradition.
Cover photo: Photo by Alexey Ruban on Unsplash