Practice & Voice

Our Seniors Share About SpiritqUUest

For three days over Fall Break, All Souls Seniors and youth board member volunteers head to Horseshoe Canyon Ranch in northwest Arkansas for SpiritqUUest. The trip is intentionally designed around two equally important pillars: fostering independence of the individual and creating and valuing interdependence in community. Through outdoor adventures, our Seniors were set up for bonding, community, and breakthroughs 

Lead by Youth Director Tanner Phillips, the trip gently pushes the Seniors out of their comfort zones (physically, mentally, and spiritually) to help them discover and identify their unique strengths and to experience struggle and success in community. Each day, the Seniors had time for spiritual journaling and reflection. Before heading home, we asked them to journal about their Senior SpiritqUUest experience.  

“The SpiritqUUest has been inspiring and integral to my journey of finding out who I am, what I believe, and where I am going.” – Brooklyn Benway 

Spiritquuest Brooklyn Benway


“Because of Spiritquuest, I have been given the chance to come to temporary conclusions with the essential questions life has to offer.” – Brendan Read

Spiritquuest Brendan Read


“SpiritQuuest helped me realize my potential spiritually, physically, and emotionally.” – Emma McGilvray 

Spiritquuest Emma McGilvray


“Through SpiritqUUest, I have challenged myself not just physically but emotionally as well. I have faced my weaknesses and assessed my strengths head on. SpiritqUUest has helped me see how far I have come and how much more I can still do.” – Maya Rogers 

Spiritquuest Maya Rogers


“SpiritqUUuest is a great experience that either helps you discover yourself, build the path to discovery, or even hammer out the kinks in your identity. The experience is nothing short of life changing and I hope everyone takes the opportunity to go on this adventure.” – Kirsten Caldwell 

Spiritquuest Kirsten Caldwell


“The trip has already brought me closer to my fellow adventurers and has reestablished old, friendly relationships. SpiritqUUest gave me the chance to interact with people I had grown apart from.

“I know my physical and emotional limits and better understand when and why my body needs a stopping point or a rest. I learned to value our time for spiritual journaling and isolated reflection.” – Stasha Cole 

Spiritquuest Stasha Cole

Tanner Phillips is the Youth Director at All Souls Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. To learn more about our Children’s and Youth Religious Education, visit us at allsoulschurch.org.

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