mia Wright
Practice & Voice, Spirituality & Theology

Mia Wright: Poetry and Connection at All Souls

Mia Wright is All Souls’ Artist in Residence for May 2019.

Everyone is encouraged to participate with Mia’s Poetry Prompts on Sunday’s Orders of Service and join her throughout the month through her residency. See below for the full schedule. 

Improvisational Poetry

Mia shared her improvisational poetry on Sunday, January 22, 2017 as part of Rev. Marlin Lavanhar’s Creation in Action sermon in the Traditional service


by Mia Wright

“Now with creation’s morning song…”
we wake and dance –
specks of light in a vast universe,
but universes in ourselves –
charged and challenged to weave worlds
to wind our hearts with yarns of love
and make magic,
to become more and more possible
with each new day
Gloria Deus
bowed heads, bodies stretches into the unknown
we give our hope to the Great Spirit
who laughs a hearty wind of life
when we see ourselves as other.
Spirit laughs and says,
“You are Me and I am You…”
we are in and of the most powerful forces
of this Earth
yet insecure and self-doubting,
isolated, lonely, but profoundly connected,
mundane, but even in our drudgery of every day
there is art and music and movement
in the patterns we create
as we wake up, go to work, water our plants,
play with our children, hold hands,
ignore phone calls, burn the pot roast, forget,
neglect, confuse, give birth,
give love, give ourselves, and mourn
and weep.
we are dancing and dancing and dancing it all
riding a ridiculous carousel of laughter
starting fires for our ancestors to warm
their fingers by –
we are reaching inside ourselves
and finding everything we need…
specks of light in a vast universe
and universes in ourselves.
God says to us, every day,
“this is a day that you have made,
rejoice in it
and create.”

Improvisational poetry created on Sunday, January 22 as part of Rev. Marlin Lavanhar’s Creation in Action sermon during the 11:30 a.m. Humanist Hour.

melodies & play

by Mia Wright

…and here is our standing invitation
to come and play –
sleep has released is from its embrace
we have rolled lazily, groggily, inventively into this day
spoons clink bin coffee cups,
saxophones trade notes with piano keys,
babies cry, dogs bark in the distance,
Earth-breath of wind tickles the leaves
we are part of the improvisational symphony
of this life we create –
we paint it
in ketchup on dinner plates,
in doodles in meeting agendas,
in finger traces across a lover’s cheek.
“the most elemental and in most aspects of our being…”
connects us like a great guitar string of consciousness
one to another, one in another,
we share in melodies of deep silence
and raucous laughter
we dance,
walking down the street
stumbling tiredly into the supermarket
hugging our loved ones
if only we could see ourselves
in every moment
weaving and whittling new worlds
from the organic matter
of our uniqueness and oneness
what color is your courage?
how will you choreograph the dance of your every single day?
build a fire in the form of memory
and let it guide is all to new truths.
this is the day we’ve been given,
and the invitation is infinite
you are never early or late,
the time, each moment, is now.
come and play.

More about Mia Wright

Tulsa native Mia Wright is a poet and educator. Her poems have appeared in The Girl God, Word Riot, This Land, Watershed, Living Arts Kubos-Tesseract Chapbookand J’ParleIn addition to earning her MFA in Poetry from Boise State University, Mia won the Louder Than a Bomb’s Coach of the Year for her work with the Street School Slam Team in 2014. She is the mother of one amazing daughter, and a proud member of the All Souls family.

Opportunities to collaborate with Mia

Mia Wright ScheduleSunday, May 19 | 10 a.m. Traditional & 11:30 a.m. The Point, Humanist Hour
+ Magnetic Poetry with our Youth
1 to 2:30 p.m.
+ Youth Writes Dinner and Workshop
6 to 8 p.m.

Sunday, May 26 | 10 a.m. Sunday Circle
+ 11:30 a.m. Children’s Chapel

Wednesday, May 29
+ Creating Women’s Herstory with the Women of All Souls
6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Artist in Residence Mia Wright will help us explore creative writing and poetry. Bring a dish that feeds your soul to share with others.

Join us at All Souls on every Sunday in May 2019 to explore the theme of Truth. We’d love to have you with us in-person or online, together in community and covenant. Live stream services are at 10:00 a.m. CST for our Traditional service or the 11:30 a.m. CST Contemporary service.
Listen to all our services, including The Point, Humanist Hour (Sundays at 11:30 a.m.) on our weekly podcast, too.


  1. Take a Chance: Living an Authentic Life - BeyondBelief

    […] more inspiration from poetry on Beyondbelief.online. All Souls member Mia Wright shares her words and prose about universes and melodies during Sunday services in […]

  2. What we can learn from water - BeyondBelief

    […] Previously, Mia shared her improvisational poetry on Sunday, January 22, 2017 as part of Rev. Marlin Lavanhar’s Creation in Action sermon in the Traditional service. Read her improv poetry and learn more about Mia here. […]

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