In our Centennial year, All Souls is honoring members of our church who have contributed greatly to shape how our congregation and community care for each other. On Sundays, we are featuring an honoree, highlighting their service and their meaningful experiences.
Women of All Souls Award
Arlene Johnson and her family joined All Souls in 1974, and she says her life is rich with friendships because of her volunteer work over the years. She started as a teacher in the Sunday School and then joined Day Alliance and later Evening Alliance, eventually becoming president of both organizations. She helped build the first TV studio in the basement at All Souls with Doe Minnick and was trained to run the studio cameras. Arlene became national president of the UU Women’s Federation and was president of the International UU Women’s Convocation where UU women from several countries met to organize ways to empower women.
Volunteering gave Arlene a greater awareness of social, community and global issues, and respect for the roles of All Souls staff and volunteers.
Carpe Diem! Seize the day! One of the best ways is to share part of your day with an organization or someone who needs assistance. Volunteer and support a cause you are passionate about. It’s a win win situation when you make a valuable contribution of time and talent to your church or other organization. It’s hard to put a price on it but it makes a world of difference.
—Arlene Johnson
Arlene says one of the best things you can do is to support a cause you are passionate about. It’s a win-win situation when you make a valuable contribution of time and talent to your church or other organization.
By doing so in others’ lives you are also making a positive difference in your own life.
Congratulations Arlene Johnson on the Women of All Souls Centennial Award! Your commitment and passion have made a positive difference in the lives of many in our community and around the globe.
Do you have a story you’d like to tell?
All Souls is always looking for unique perspectives, stories of our Unitarian faith in practice, community building, and the human experience. We also need volunteers to help us capture church life through photography, videography, editing, storytelling, and AV work. To connect and volunteer in any of these capacities, please email our Director of Communications Bonita James,
Become a member of the All Souls family any time online or on Joining Sundays. Joining Sundays are your opportunity to meet with an All Souls minister, ask questions, connect with others who are joining, and become a member of the All Souls family!
Second Sundays | In Person, President’s Room & Online via Zoom!
11:30 am:
1 pm:
Read more blogs that feature how our community cares for each other here.
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