The holiday season has arrived! Make plans to engage in your favorite holiday traditions at All Souls, or try something new this year. Here’s what’s coming up:
December Events
Tree Trimming & Hanging of the Greens & Lighting of the
Sunday, December 4 | 4-6 pm
Come together for a soup dinner and ornament-making, tree trimming, and caroling and our newest holiday tradition: the lighting of the labyrinth! Please bring cookies for sharing.
Holiday Choir Concert
Sunday, December 11 | 4 pm
Join us for an incredible concert of holiday music, featuring All Souls choirs, from our tiniest voices through adults—Cherub Choir, Children’s Choir, Youth Choir, Adult Choir, & our new Chamber Choir (formerly YAVE)!
Holiday Memorial Chapel
Wednesday, December 14 | 6:30 pm
Please join us for a Holiday Memorial Chapel service as we honor the loved ones we have lost this year. Anyone who is grieving is welcome to memorialize their loved ones with us. Please send the names of your loved ones to be honored and listed in the Order of Service to by Sunday, December 11.
Christmas Eve Services
Sunday, December 24 | 4:30, 6 & 7:30 pm
All Souls Annual Candlelight services are held every Christmas Eve for our members, families, and friends. Our Candlelight services are for everyone, for all faiths and non-faiths, to celebrate together—united as one. Enjoy incredible choir performances at these intergenerational services in which we will transform the All Souls Sanctuary with the soft glow of candlelight.
Families are encouraged to bring cookies to share at the Wassail and Cookie receptions following the 4:30 and 6:00 pm services.
We hold three candlelight services to reflect, pray together, and to celebrate our one, human family.
- 4:30 pm—Children’s Candlelight Christmas Pageant
- 6 pm—Traditional Christmas Candlelight Service
- 7:30 pm—Jazz and Carols Candlelight Service
Volunteers Needed!
Join us after the 7:30 service on Christmas Eve. We need your help to prepare Emerson Hall for the Christmas morning service.
Christmas Day Service – One Service for All
Sunday, December 25 | 10:30 am
New Year’s Day Service – One Service for All
Sunday, January 1 | 10:30 am

All Souls is a welcoming community. Everyone, regardless of age, race, culture, economic status, gender identity or sexual orientation is welcome at All Souls. Our congregation worships together while individually holding a broad spectrum of beliefs and unbeliefs.
We are a congregation grounded in the notion that Love is the Spirit and we engage in the personal struggles and collective labors required to keep it so for future generations.
Each day we learn better how to celebrate what we have in common and to respect the ways in which we differ.
To learn more visit
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