cosby feature
Society & Culture, Practice & Voice, UU Church Today

The beginning of the end of a certain world

Bill Cosby – Sentenced to 3 to 10 years in prison for sexual assault conviction at age 81.

Heart breaking.

One of the saddest, disappointing, and most heartbreaking realities and results of any such convictions we’ve seen over the years. Not only because he’s not innocent, but because he was ignorant—meaning ignore-ant. He ignored both who he was and who his victim and victims were, as viable, liable and reliable human beings with something positive and powerful to present to humanity and bless the world. No human being anywhere on the planet should be treated as anything less than human and humane. Doing so is a cardinal sin against the elegance, eloquence, and excellence of the human spirit and purpose.

Bill Cosby was presumed to be America’s Dad and a good one. He made us laugh, think, rethink, and expand. It’s like the same car that rode us around the city and across the country, but then was used as a get-away vehicle, speeding through the same city, but running over innocent people and destroying other innocent people’s automobiles and ending up in a horrible pile up crash at one of the most important and popular intersections in human culture.

Missing the Mark

I define human sin as an inappropriate response to a legitimate human need. Its Greek equivalent means to “miss the mark” or miss the point of why you’re here and why you exist.

Sinning privately and against yourself has its own often private and personal consequences. Sinning against or violating someone else carries a different kind of sentence, usually public and more pronounced. We all wrestle with natural human proclivities to “sin” against ourselves or someone else.

Cosby never showed or shared any public remorse, compunction or responsibility for what he has been convicted of. He seemed calloused and unconcerned or uncaring. He has spoken out most responsibly regarding African American social and political issues, and very easily could have spoken penitently, powerfully and poignantly again to this delicate and critical social and moral issue of women and abuse. He let that opportunity pass. Perhaps had he done so, the judge may have been a bit more lenient and given a lighter sentence since he is past 80 years old. Women needed to hear him acknowledge and apologize, especially in this #metoo age.

Every element in our lives has both light and shadowy sides. Everyone, regardless of background, education, or current financial situation has their own unique collection of subconscious patterns that are holding them back from ever realizing their fuller potential. I’m reminded of Newton’s 3rd law which says: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

Cosby served up fantastic fun, humor and practical advice with dignity and decency for over 50 years while all the while wrestling with his own personal demons. His light had a deeply dark side to it. Revelations of others’ dark sides will occur in this present, shifting social and spiritual milieu. Remain prepared for more disappointing news before the clearing and cleaning is more complete.

The Days of Abusing Women are Over

The days of abusing women the way men have gotten by with over the last several millennia is coming to a screeching halt once and for all. There are possibly millions of other powerful and strong men who may be trembling in their boots over things any of us could or may have done in our past regarding the mistreatment of women, both in and out of the home, church, country and culture. The Universe is now putting a cease and desist mandate on the masculine and chauvinistic excesses of men who have disrespected, demeaned and degraded woman as a culturally accepted or tolerated obsession, social and moral malady. This is a powerful and prophetic new day and new way that must not, cannot and will not be ignored and will not go away until properly and throughly corrected and changed!

Even Cosby’s blindness is a sign of how a male dominated and influenced society has been with regard to turning a blind eye to obvious mistreatment of women over the centuries. However, blindness is no excuse for not pressing charges and forcing accountability for indecent acts and shadiness of character in both public and private personalities.

Today’s decision and results implicates the President of the US, his Supreme Court nominee, also under scrutiny and accusation of similar acts of sexual harassment and abuse and a male dominated Senate and political system, even with women being the majority population and voter base in America.

Redefining Masculinity

The powerful male, brute force masculinity, as experienced and expressed in the past, is rapidly being emasculated and disempowered. I see this, along with global warming, climate change, natural disasters and even political and religious upheavals as the Universe correcting itself and its soul as a new age and new day emerges in world and human history.

Even the rain there in Philadelphia today is almost a kind of sign of cleansing and purification of the dust, dirt, soot, and grime of centuries of mistreatment of the so-called weaker vessel, now becoming the strongest in her history, overriding, overruling and overrunning the sexual and sensual imbalance in our often twisted and contorted human society and culture. Today marks the beginning of the end of a certain world and the beginning of another and new one.

Redefining Masculinity Learning and Discussion Series
Wednesdays, now through November as part of our Wednesday Connections program | 7:00 p.m. 
The Redefining Masculinity is new and improved this year. Presented by the Men of All Souls group, Redefining Masculinity is a learning and discussion series for men and those identifying as men to inform, evaluate, empower and mobilize good men to:

  • Promote healthy conversations about manhood that cultivates a culture that values women and girls,
  • Raise awareness about gender discrimination, domestic abuse and sexual violence within our community,
  • Encourage critical thinking about societal beliefs regarding gender norms,
  • Empower men with the skills and knowledge to become advocates promoting healthy and respectful social norms in their daily lives.

Read how our Redefining Masculinity series began with one man taking to heart the words of a mother in Redefining Masculinity: One Woman’s Righteous Rant Helps Men End Misogyny

All Souls is a place for healing and hope. Though our ministry and programs, this is a place for you to invest in yourself, find care and support, without assumption or judgement.
Please join us together in community and covenant, in-person or online. 
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Listen to all our services, including The Point, our Humanist Hour (Sundays at 11:30 a.m. during the church year) on our weekly podcast, too.

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