So I understand extroverts and people who don’t live with anxiety (you actually exist???) are having an extra hard time with this whole weird thing. As an introvert with anxiety, I’d like to share some tips that help me.
You can’t control this.
Accept that, and then tend to things you can control – I often clean house when I’m overwhelmed. This would be a GREAT time to de-clutter. Deal with those stacks of paperwork you’ve been avoiding. (Do people without anxiety have those?) Bake something! Baking is a great de-stresser.
Take a nap.
Naps are allowed! Open a window, even (especially) if it’s a little chilly. Don’t pull the blinds if it’s sunny. Napping in the sun is a special, wonderful indulgence. Bonus points if you can get a cat to join you.
Play video games.
Mow down some alien zombies. Be a bad-ass, if only virtually.
Keep a journal or make up a story. It can go however you choose. Write out your frustrations or avoid them entirely, it’s up to you.
I hope some of this is helpful. Love you all! Now, I’m going back in my cocoon.

Michelle Spencer is the Religious Education Assistant at All Souls Church in Tulsa, OK. Many often see her when checking into the family room, at Wednesday Connections Dinner, or crafting hand-made bowls in our Empty Bowls ceramics class. As we continue to social distance, we will miss seeing Michelle in person but will continue to work with her on our virtual programming! Get the latest info on how you can stay connected and participate in our online programs by opting in to our email list! You can also find past sermons and humanist messages on our Youtube Channel & Podcast!